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Top Blitz Under Age 13 March 2024

1Overlingas, Akeras (30237232)11FLUSA2211
2Guo, Ethan (16761994)11CAUSA2113
3Lin, Bryan Enming (30020975)12NYUSA2061
4Liu, Patrick Peijun (16667410)11CAUSA2058
5Paragua, Megan Althea (17106692)11NYUSA2050
6Wu, William (30020380)11MAUSA2012
7Radhakrishnan, Sharath (16837380)10OHUSA1976
8Kona, Vidip Kumar (16948874)10WAUSA1970
9Jing, Andrew (17052301)11DEUSA1962
10Wong, Wyatt (17016313)12NYUSA1955
11Das, Aditeya (16873335)12NYUSA1954
12Shangin, Lev (17117362)9NYUSA1949
13Wang, Ted (17187840)10WAUSA1948
14Guo, Felix (17353890)12CAUSA1934
15Singh, Siddharth (17205696)12TXUSA1929
16Damaraju, Ashwin (17010726)12CAUSA1925
17Zhao, Kevin (30425013)10MAUSA1923
18Wu, Andrew (16967853)12NCUSA1920
19Schwartz, Raphael D (16780293)12AZUSA1916
=19Karthi, Jashith (30016333)11CAUSA1916
21Sethuraman, Roshan (16367678)12AZUSA1912
22Luger, Sam (16767486)11NYUSA1909
23Jammalamadaka, Vihaan (16624387)11WAUSA1906
24Bondalapati, Sri Vibhav (16633657)12NCUSA1900
25Santosh, Saharsh (17153914)12GAUSA1887
26Jagirapu, Harshin Reddy (17201452)11NMUSA1884
27Hebbar, Eshaan (17075132)12NJUSA1881
28Arutla, Aditya (16207801)12CAUSA1875
29Ayyappan, Santhosh (16959235)10NJUSA1870
30Zheng, Lerui (30023898)9MIUSA1861
31Zhu, Linxi (30328482)9NYUSA1859
32Goodrich, Elliott (16831504)11NYUSA1856
33Ma, Julian (30017413)10NJUSA1855
34Srinivasan, Sivavishnu (16778004)11CAUSA1852
35Gattani, Sarthak (30075816)12CAUSA1851
36Dong, Kyle Q (17048806)11NJUSA1850
=36Ramesh, Nehanraj (31163791)11IAUSA1850
38Zheng, Marcus (16328978)12MIUSA1844
=38Ling, Chenxuan (17159983)9NYUSA1844
40Mansurov, Yusuf (17110457)11NYUSA1840
=40Xia, Joshua (30026083)9CAUSA1840
42Garg, Priyansh (17279963)12NYUSA1838
43Rallabandi, Krishna K (16752001)11NCUSA1837
44Pan, Zachary (30221502)10MAUSA1834
45Mahesh, Kanishk (17039667)11GAUSA1833
46Zhu, Ryan (15842723)12NJUSA1824
47Wu, Jayden (16636182)12CAUSA1813
48Abraham, John (16922802)11KYUSA1804
49Lu, Yiding (16857692)12WAUSA1794
=49Wadhwa, Ananya (30145895)11KSUSA1794
51Liu, Aiden Q (16850092)12CAUSA1792
=51Anandh, Vijay Srinivas (16996844)11TXUSA1792
53Khademzadeh, Aiden (17087747)11USA1789
54Saxena, Vihaan (16458708)12NJUSA1784
55Ordanza, Francis Gio Bigol (30223131)9CAUSA1772
56Sun, Ryan (16379802)12MAUSA1768
57Wang, Kyle Y (16586700)12TXUSA1761
=57Lee, Justin (16713783)11ILUSA1761
59Luo, Wesley (16424622)12PAUSA1745
60Ho, Carter (16196601)12NYUSA1744
=60Duda-Thomson, Riley Joseph (16881026)12NYUSA1744
62Fan, Evan Qianyuan (16863365)11OHUSA1743
=62Bhargava, Kushagra (16956146)11CTUSA1743
64Cao, Frank Zhongtian (30158113)9MAUSA1742
65Chu, Alex Haoning (30096395)11NCUSA1737
66Hong, Neal Thio (16510436)12NYUSA1736
=66Kozlek, Tommy (30347417)8MAUSA1736
68Yang, Daniel (16464806)12TXUSA1735
69Yan, Daniel Ziheng (16741070)12AZUSA1732
70Fei, Irene (30015588)10IAUSA1726
71Liu, Liam (30390852)9CAUSA1725
72Kennedy, Aiden (17268125)10NJUSA1723
73Nieder, Will (30039151)11NYUSA1720
74Sawhney, Yuvraj Singh (17095004)10CAUSA1719
75Rajaram, Rohan (15739716)12CAUSA1717
76Ilyasov, Ahmed (30131511)12MNUSA1712
77Gartenlaub, Corin (16899496)11NYUSA1710
78Yue, Tariq (30014129)10PAUSA1709
79Ji, Yuze Luke (16237733)12MAUSA1708
=79Chen, Alan Zishun (17350156)10NCUSA1708
81Stern, Kevin (16419450)12NYUSA1702
82Wang, Freyr (16741168)11MIUSA1700
=82Jackson, Maddox (17048985)10VAUSA1700
84Khanbutaev, Artemii (30784129)11ILUSA1699
85Jain, Vihaan (16584243)12MAUSA1696
86Tikhomirov, Matthew (30026331)11ILUSA1694
87Chaudhury, Anmay Kumar (16936713)12GAUSA1692
88Ghosh, Yohan (17187787)11NJUSA1685
=88Kumbharathi, Vedansh (30024270)12PAUSA1685
=88Cheng, Samuel (30067638)9NYUSA1685
=88Prasanna, Advik (30280672)11NCUSA1685
92Chanda, Shouryesh (30202461)12INUSA1684
93Vedula, Hrishikesh Sai (16099404)12NHUSA1682
=93Yang, Maxwell Z (16416795)11FLUSA1682
95Pendse, Vihaan (16802540)11NCUSA1681
96Leong, Anson (17288161)11NYUSA1678
97Yu, Yang (30094337)8NCUSA1674
98Diao, Sujia (17103011)9NJUSA1669
99Fujita, Anjyu (16878594)12NYUSA1664
=99Chin, Zee (16965808)10CAUSA1664
=99Wong, Eugene (17157923)10NYUSA1664
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.


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